Some Linux Kernel development statistics.
This site shows you the top 50 authors in Linux Kernel development of each current stable and longterm releases. The data is beeing generated from the ChangeLog files provided at kernel.org.
The data shown below is generated on-the-fly using a Bash/CGI script. It parses around 195MB of data very fast using only Shell code and standard Linux/UNIX utilities like cat, cut, grep, head, sed, sort and uniq. Think of doing this using PHP - maybe using a bloated MVC framework - is a bad idea and I believe this will fail in performance... ;) The code is available here: https://git.xw3.org/xw3/cgi/src/branch/main/kernelstats/kernelstats.bash
NULLSource: https://git.xw3.org/xw3/cgi/src/branch/main/kernelstats/kernelstats.bash