This is 2 in 1... ;)
xw3.org is mostly a template for Jekyll based websites PLUS a Lua based CGI directory for adding dynamic features like a contact form (other languages are supported too). Additionally there is a Makefile included for easy deployment of the website.
Just an idea... not more! A dynamic website like in the 90's, with some little JavaScript sugar. No rocket science... ;)
hanez.org is an example of using this code. hanez.org uses a lot more code, but I try to port it to xw3.
Blog posts
/blog/2024/02/06/init/ 📌
This is a fun project at the moment… no content actually!
To make it clear, I am writing this project’s code, because it is fun to me… It is an experiment! I want to learn more about CGI/FastCGI and primary the Lua programming language, but I will play with some other languages too.
This is just a test…!