
  • ./env/ - PHP/FastCGI (Shows you some information about your PHP environment)

Try the CGI & FastCGI

  • ./bash/ - Bash/CGI (This could be written using any Shell e.g. ash, fish, Ksh, Zsh etc...)
  • ./bin/ - C/CGI (This example could be written in Go, Rust or any other compiled language)
  • ./lua/ - Lua/CGI (A simple Lua script execution example)
  • ./perl/ - Perl/CGI (Perl is still alive for the CGI)
  • ./php/ - PHP/FastCGI (The world most used web scripting language)
  • ./python/ - Python/CGI (Python is supported like all other languages)
  • ./ruby/ - Ruby/CGI (Just because Jekyll is written in Ruby)