I created a small C program to authenticate against a UNIX/Pluggable authentication module (PAM) called checkpw. This program is only for verifiying a user’s password, that is registered in /etc/passwd using /etc/shadow, or whatever PAM is configured to use.

The program returns 0 on success, 1 otherwise.

With this program, it will be possible to authenticate an xw3 application user against the system’s user database.

Currently only tested on Linux, but it should work on AIX, DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD, HP-UX, macOS, NetBSD and Solaris operating systems too. I will test API compatibility for all OS’s listed soon… ;)

HELP NEEDED! I need some people porting or helping me porting this to other OS’s than Linux. AFAIK it should compile on listed OS’s above and should then work, but I don’t know how… :(

Group permissions will be handled using /etc/group in a seperate program - Maybe just with a small wrapper around the “id” command (not available yet, but it should be easy to implement).
